Although it has retained the same basic elements, the opening crawl has significantly evolved throughout the series. This sequence has featured at the beginning of each of the main Star Wars saga theatrical films produced by Lucasfilm.

The visuals are accompanied by the " Main Title Theme", composed by John Williams. The crawl text, which describes the backstory and context of the film, then recedes toward a higher point in relation to the screen and with an apparent effect of disappearing in the distance. Within a black sky background featuring a smattering of stars, the crawl is preceded both by the opening static blue text, "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away." and by the Star Wars logo which recedes toward a central point on the screen before disappearing. The Star Wars opening crawl is a signature device of the opening sequences of every numbered film of the Star Wars series, an American epic space opera franchise created by George Lucas. The example shown comes from a post-1981 re-release as Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope. The phrase "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away." which remains static on the screen and the Star Wars logo which shrinks to a central point is common to all of the films and are followed by a film-specific opening crawl. Signature title sequence style of numbered Star Wars films Three frames representative of opening sequences from films in the Skywalker Saga.